Saturday, November 12, 2005

I'M ON THE RADIO! Fighting for Social Justice and other stuff!

If you have been one of the faithful ( and I know there are at least five of you out there) who have visited this site wondering why I haven't posted since late October here's the story. During the week of my very last post I was presented with an excellent offer to co-host a radio show with my new friend and co-host Khamau Khalfani. Folks you never know what can happen when you find yourself volunteering. I was volunteering with all the other new generation activist, old hippies, and those commited to the cause down at Pacifica's WBAI here in New York during one of the never ending, but so necessary fund drives. WBAI is a community run radio station in the middle of the dial at 99.5 FM run on listener contributions only. Some of you may know that station if you listen to Democracy Now.

So anyway in walks this guy saying thank you to the volunteers for answering the phones to take those needed contributions.
I recognize his voice as the guy I've listened to at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. I walk out to get some of the free coffee before it's all gone and to introduce myself. I tell him the music he plays is like revisiting my parents home circa 1973. I'm transported to a time when the sounds of the Stylistics, Marvin Gaye and Roberta Flack's "strumming my face with his fingers," played in our house like it was holy music. Khamau thanks me for my support. I go back into the phone room to debate with my like-minded-out-raged-at-the-government-friends. Ranting and debating is what we do when the phone calls get slow.

The next day I'm back for another round of free coffee, taking pledges and discussion. I see Kamau again. He invites me to have a chat. The conversation leads to me doing one of those promo spots for the station. The next thing I know I'm invited to intern on the show for a year. The rest I hope is history. My big break. Perhaps I too will be on the air begging the listeners in my best Amy Goodman imitation, " Please call, please show your support for the station of peace and justice"

The show is broadcast live on Wednesday into Thursday mornings from 2 am to 4 am. For those of you who can't stay up late or are listening to Gary Byrd's The Global Black Experience on WLIB on 1190 AM, you can download the show from the WBAI archives. You can hear me being completely nervous on the air in the first show.

I'm excited about this new venture. I will be learning to produce, write and co-host a radio show.

I'll be continuing to blog. Next blogs will cover the International Socialist Organization conference and the Bolivian Solidarity Event at Town Hall.

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